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柯马机器人Rebel-S 获“金手指奖. 2017最佳工业机器人”奖


由机电商报社联合中国国际机器人展览会组委会、上海中机联展览有限公司共同发起的2017中国国际机器人产业高峰论坛暨金手指奖•首届中国国际机器人年度产品颁奖典礼CIROS2017同期正式拉开帷幕。柯马SCARA 机器人Rebel-S荣获“金手指奖.2017最佳工业机器人”奖。



本次评奖旨在梳理和总结过去一年中国机器人产业在技术创新、市场应用方面取得的成就,记录产业技术进步的足迹,对接市场需求的变化,引导机器人产品及相关核心技术进步的方向。本次柯马Rebel-S 获得“金手指奖.2017最佳工业机器人”奖也是行业和媒体对柯马近年来技术创新的肯定。

Rebel-S 2017最佳工业机器人


Rebel-S系列作为柯马历史上的第一款SCARA - 可调节臂展的水平多关节机器人,自今年6月首次亮相德国慕尼黑自动化技术及机器人展以来,以其卓越创新的技术,成功引领了机器人时代的革新潮流。Rebel-S系列 4轴SCARA机器人共有 5 款不同型号,负载皆为 6kg,但有三种不同的工作半径。机器人工作半径的差异由于模块化延长臂的存在,它使机器人根据需要扩展可达性。由缆线和延长臂组成的扩展组件,在这5 个型号的机器人中可以轻松实现互换。买一得五,这就是柯马模块化概念提供的优势。这种模块化特性使得即时配置机器人成为可能,也就是说,购买SCARA系列机器人可以为客户节省大量成本和时间。


Comau, a member of the FCA Group, is a worldwide leader in delivering advanced industrial automation solutions that integrate products, technologies and services to help companies of all sizes increase plant efficiency while lowering operating costs and optimizing returns. Headquartered in Turin, Italy, Comau has over 40 years of factory-proven experience, and an international network of 35 locations, 15 manufacturing plants and 5 innovation centers that span 17 countries and employ more than 9,000 people. With a strong focus on innovation, Comau is committed to developing competency through the formation of individuals and groups as part of its open automation approach. Comau is driving the future of production automation by engineering lean and sustainable solutions and products. Its modular, flexible and highly-configurable products can be tailored to meet the needs of each individual customer. Through the continuous development of products and services, Comau is able to lead the automation industry in every phase of a project - from design, implementation and installation, to production start-up and maintenance services. Its comprehensive offering includes manufacturing and assembly solutions, powertrain machining, robotics and asset maintenance e services for a wide range of industrial sectors.


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