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文章标题: 基于LVDS与以太网数据传输模块设计
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 何少恒 王红亮
作者单位: 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原 030051
关键词: 以太网;W5300;低压差分信号;遥测
中文摘要:     针对目前遥测数字量变换器测试台无法同时测试多台设备的现状,提出了一种基于LVDS接口和以太网接口数据传输模块的设计。该模块结合FPGA、以太网接口、LVDS接口各自的优点,以FPGA作为控制核心,采用W5300芯片作为以太网控制器,基于UDP协议,实现信号在LVDS接口与以太网接口之间的相互转换。测试结果表明,该模块具有通用、可靠、同时测试多台设备且适合应用于高速采集系统等特点。该模块已成功应用于遥测数字量测试设备中。

LVDS and Ethernet-based Data Transmission Module Design

HE Shao-heng1,2,WANG Hong-liang1,2
(1.Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement,Ministry of Education,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China;2.National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology,Taiyuan 030051,China)
Abstract:For the current status of telemetry digital converter test bench unable to simultaneously test multiple devices,it is proposed based on LVDS and Ethernet data transmission module design. The module combines FPGA,Ethernet,LVDS interface has its own merits,with FPGA as the control core,the W5300 Ethernet controller chip as based on UDP protocol for signal conversion between LVDS interfaces and Ethernet interfaces. The test results indicate that the module has a common,reliable,simultaneous testing of multiple devices and is suitable for high speed data acquisition systems and so on. The module has been successfully applied to telemetry digital test equipment.
Key words:Ethernet;W5300;low voltage different signal(LVDS);telemetry

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