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文章标题: 基于ZigBee的电厂锅炉在线监测系统
发表期次: 2015 年 11 期
作者名: 滕志军 许建军 张明儒 郭素阳
作者单位: 东北电力大学 信息工程学院,吉林 132012
关键词: 电厂锅炉;监测;ZigBee;CC2530
中文摘要:     由于传统的有线监测方式在电厂锅炉这种特定的环境下,布线困难且容易因高温使线路提前老化,为了能够高效稳定地实时监测电厂锅炉的状态信息,该文设计了基于CC2530无线传感器模块的电厂锅炉在线监测系统。通过测试,该系统可监测锅炉泄露的SO2气体浓度,稳定性高,具有较好的应用前景。

On-line Monitoring System for Power Plant Boiler Based on ZigBee

TENG Zhi?鄄jun,XU Jian-jun,ZHANG Ming-ru,GUO Su-yang
(Department of Information Engineering,Northeast Dianli University,Jilin 132012,China)
Abstract:Due to traditional way of cable monitoring wiring difficult and easy to make circuit with high temperature aging ahead of time,in order to effectively stabilize the real-time monitoring of power plant boiler status information,in this paper we designed the power plant based CC2530 wireless sensor module online monitoring system. Through testing,the system can monitor the boiler leaked gas SO2 concentrations,high reliability and stability,and has good prospects.
Key words:power plant boiler;monitoring;ZigBee;CC2530

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