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文章标题: 大型密闭电石炉电极长度软测量的研究与应用
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 张 立 何 忠 张树吉 陈 武
作者单位: 新疆天业集团有限公司,石河子 832000
关键词: 电石炉;电极长度;电极消耗;软测量
中文摘要:     该文以40×103 kVA大型密闭电石炉为研究对象,在深入分析三相电极消耗相关影响因素的基础上,建立了电极消耗软测量模型。并采用APC?鄄Sensor智能软测量软件实现了电极长度的在线预估。工业实践结果表明,软测量准确可靠,为电石炉的先进控制提供了有力支撑,具有良好的应用前景。

Research and Application of the Electrode Length Soft-sensor for the Large Sealed Calcium Carbide Furnace

ZHANG Li1,HE Zhong1,ZHANG Shu-ji2,CHEN Wu2
(1.Xinjiang Tianye Group Co.,Ltd.,Shihezi 832000,China;2.Zhejiang SUPCON Software Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310053,China)
Abstract:A soft?鄄sensor model of the 40×103 kVA large sealed calcium carbide furnace is presented,based on the analysis of the factors affecting the consumption of three?鄄phase electrode. The online estimation of the electrode length is realized by using APC?鄄Sensor software. The industrial practice results show that the soft sensor is accurate and reliable. The soft?鄄sensor can provide a strong support for the advanced process control of calcium carbide furnace,and has a good application prospect.
Key words:calcium carbide furnace;electrode length;electrode consumption;soft?鄄sensor

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