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文章标题: 互联网+”建筑能源管控系统设计与实现
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 郑贵林 张 丽 迟进武
作者单位: 武汉大学 动力与机械学院,武汉 430072
关键词: 智能负荷控制器;能源管控;智慧建筑;“互联网+”
中文摘要:     该文以智能负荷控制器为终端管控单元,介绍了能源管控系统的构建原理和实现方案,阐述了如何通过各个功能层实现网络化的建筑能源供电与用电过程监控、负荷同步监测与精细化管理的过程。该系统可通过中央计算机选择性切除建筑空间内的特定负荷或负荷群,配合智能负荷控制器附属的PLC功能,同时完成智慧建筑所需的安防监测、门禁管理和消防感知。系统已成功应用于武汉大学新建的5栋学生公寓和教工小区,该技术的应用和推广,可以全面实现建筑管控的网络化和信息化,达到知能、用能、节能的目标,使建筑物成为智慧的“互联网+”体系。

Design and Implementation of Energy Management and Control System for Buildings Under the Internet Plus Background

ZHENG Gui-lin1,ZHANG Li1,CHI Jin-wu2
(1.School of Power and Mechanical Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;2.Infrastructure Management Department,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the principle and implementation scheme of intelligent building energy management and control system based on smart remote load controller(SRLC)are introduced. How to achieve monitoring and management of building energy supply and consumption through the various functional layer of system frame is explained. The test results show that the system can selectively shut down the specific load or load group of building through the central computer. At the same time,it can achieve security monitoring,access control and fire perception for intelligent building with attached PLC function of SRLC.The application and popularization of technology can fully achieve management and control of intelligent building with network and information,and reach the purpose of energy?鄄knowing,energy?鄄using,and energy?鄄saving for intelligent building under the internet plus background.
Key words:smart remote load controller(SRLC);energy management and control;intelligent building;internet plus

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