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文章标题: 地铁输电接触轨动态检测系统设计与研究
发表期次: 2015 年 11 期
作者名: 钱逸秋 史艳霞 范其明 高海娟
作者单位: 天津中德职业技术学院 电气与能源学院,天津 300350
关键词: 输电接触轨;支架状态;检测
中文摘要:     地铁运行安全事关重大,其中输电接触轨状态是影响地铁能否正常运行的关键要素。从检测输电接触轨状态参数入手,分析接触轨产生变形的关键原因,提出支架检测的关键参数,通过基于智能视觉等传感器实现支架的状态在线监测,并在上位机系统中进行实时和历史数据分析,实现在线监测和离线故障分析诊断,在实验室和接触轨生产企业测试效果良好。

Design and Research for the Dynamic Detection System of Subway Transmission Rail

QIAN Yi-qiu,SHI Yan-xia,FAN Qi-ming,GAO Hai-juan
(Electrical and Energy College,Tianjin Sino?鄄German Vocational Technical College,Tianjin 300350,Cina)
Abstract:Subway operation security is a mater of great importance,the state in which the transmission is a key element of the contact rail subway can affect normal operation. Starting from the detected contact rail state transmission parameters,analyze contact rail deformation generated key reasons,put forward key parameters stand detection by implementing a holder vision and other sensor-based intelligent online monitoring,and analysis of real-time and historical data in the host computer system to achieve on-line monitoring and off-line analysis and diagnosis,it has been effectively applied in practice.
Keywords:transmission contact rail;stand state;detection

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