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文章标题: 基于LabVIEW与FPGA的飞行训练弹测试系统设计
发表期次: 2015 年 11 期
作者名: 刘克轩 李永红 岳 妮 麻少轩
作者单位: 中北大学 仪器与电子学院,太原 030051
关键词: LabVIEW;FPGA;飞行训练弹;测试系统;低压差分信号
中文摘要:     为测试某飞行训练弹策略可靠性,完成鉴定和交付试验,设计了一种基于LabVIEW与FPGA的飞行训练弹测试系统。该系统由主控计算机、电连接器适配模块、可编程负载和程控电源4部分组成。以LabVIEW应用程序和FPGA为核心的主控计算机,分别提供操作平台,进行多种不同的测试试验和实现上位机与被测设备的信号采集、通讯。经验证,该系统性能稳定,能够对飞行训练弹进行故障诊断与分析、性能测试等多种鉴定,在试验的过程中得到完整的测试数据,并提供数据存储与处理。

Design of Test System for Flight Training Missile Based on LabVIEW and FPGA

LIU Ke-xuan1,2,LI Yong-hong1,2,YUE Ni3,MA Shao-xuan3
(1.School of Instrument and Electronics,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China;2.Kotel Micro Technique Co.,Ltd.,Shanxi,Taiyuan 030051,China;3.Inner Mongolia Mengdong Energy Ewenke Power Plant,Hulunbeier 021000,China)
Abstract:A test system for flight training missile which was designed to test the reliability of flight training missile and complete the identification and delivery based on LabVIEW and FPGA.The system consists of master computer,electrical connector adapter module,programmable load and programmable power supply.As the core of master computer,the LabVIEW and FPGA achieve the following functions respectively:the supply of operating platform,the test of different procedures and signal acquisition and communication between human interface and execution.The system has been proved to work stably with great anti?鄄interference performance,achieve to complete the fault diagnosis and analysis and test the performance.The system can also get the complete test data and provide data storage and processing.
Key words:LabVIEW;FPGA;flight training missile;test system;low?鄄voltage differential signaling(LVDS)

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