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文章标题: 电地暖系统的建模与优化控制
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 张长志 于 波 项添春
作者单位: 国网天津市电力公司电力科学研究院,天津 300384
关键词: 电地暖;智能温度控制;能量守恒;最小二乘;蓄能
中文摘要:     电地暖采暖技术目前已成为国内外研究的重点,为了有效利用电能,需要对其工作过程进行优化,构建智能温度控制及蓄能系统。该文首先对电地暖技术进行介绍;然后通过对室内温度进行能量守恒建模,得到室内外环境温度与所需加热能量之间的因果关系模型,并应用最小二乘方法估计模型参数;通过分析蓄热过程与用电负荷及加热过程间的关系,将削峰填谷的思想引入到蓄热时段选取中。仿真结果表明,该文所构建的智能系统能够修正发热电缆的加热功率,并实现有效的蓄能过程。

Study of Optimization and Control of the Electrical Floor Radiant Heating Technology

ZHANG Chang-zhi,YU Bo,XIANG Tian-chun
(Electric Power Research Institute,State Grid Tianjin City Power Company,Tianjin 300384,China)
Abstract:The electrical floor radiant heating technology has become research focus of domestic and foreign,in order to effectively use the electric energy,we need to optimize the working process and construct the intelligent temperature control and energy storage systems. This paper first introduced the electrical floor radiant heating technology,and then created the indoor temperature model based on energy conservation,thus the causal relationship model between the indoor temperature and the required heating energy is obtained,the model parameters are estimated through the least square method. By analyzing the relationship between the energy storage and the heating process,we introduce the peaking loading shifting theory into the selection of energy storage time period. Simulation results show that the proposed intelligent system can correct the power of the heating cable and effectively realize the energy storage process.
Key words:electrical floor radiant heating;intelligent temperature control;energy conservation;least?鄄square;energy storage

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