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文章标题: 双摆杂技机器人DD2UD的多模态混合控制
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 但远宏
作者单位: 重庆理工大学 人工智能系统研究所,重庆 400054
关键词: 双摆杂技机器人;多模态控制;DD2UD;欠驱动
中文摘要:     双摆杂技机器人的原型为旋转二级倒立摆,作为典型的非线性欠驱动多刚体被控对象,控制难度极大。针对双摆杂技机器人的DD2UD(摆杆从Down?鄄Down平衡态转换到Up?鄄Down平衡态)杂技动作,将控制任务分解为5个子任务:初始扰动、双杆起摆控制、推拉起摆控制、外杆调整阶段、Up?鄄Down稳定控制。根据各个子任务的控制目标结合动力学分析,设计出各子任务的控制律,构成多模态控制器结构,并在实际设备上进行实时控制实验以验证相关控制算法的有效性。

Multi-mode Hybrid Control of DD2UD on Double Pendulum Robot

DAN Yuan-hong
(Institute of Artificial Intelligent System,Chongqing University of Technology,Chongqing 400054,China)
Abstract:The prototype of double pendulum robot is rotary double inverted pendulum,which is a typical nonlinear under?鄄actuated controlled device. To realize the acrobatics of DD2UD(transfer action from Down?鄄Down equilibrium point to Up?鄄Down equilibrium point)on double pendulum robot,the control process is divided into five control phase:initial disturbance,swing?鄄up both rods,pull and push control,adjustment of outer rod,Up?鄄Down balance control. By kinetic analysis,each sub?鄄controller is designed according to the control target of corresponding phase. Finally,a multi?鄄mode controller is constructed,and its validity is testified thorough real?鄄time experiment on double pendulum robot.
Key words:double pendulum robot;multi?鄄mode control;DD2UD;under?鄄actuated

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