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文章标题: 基于PLCC的茶园灌溉自动控制系统设计
发表期次: 2015 年 11 期
作者名: 尹向雷
作者单位: 陕西理工学院 电气工程学院,汉中 723000
关键词: 灌溉;控制;电力线载波通信
中文摘要:     为达到茶园灌溉自控目的,设计了一套基于电力线载波通信的喷灌控制系统。系统以电力线载波为通信手段,以主控室的主机为核心,以主从多机通信模式对现场信号进行远程采集及控制,最后对系统进行现场测试。结果表明,数据传输误差率低,设备运行可靠、稳定,系统不仅达到了控制目的,节约了水资源,同时节约了大量通信电缆,具有很好的应用价值。

Design of Control System in Water Saving Irrigation Based on Power Line Carrier Communication

YIN Xiang-lei
(College of Electrical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723000,China)
Abstract:For the purpose of orchard water saving irrigation,we designed a set of sprinkler irrigation control system based on power line carrier communication. The system can get the field signal and control the actuator with master?鄄slave multicomputer communication mode based on power line carrier communication,and the host in the main control room as the core. Finally,the system test was carried out. Results show that the error rate is low,data transmission equipment operation is reliable,stable. The system not only achieve the control purpose,saves the water resources,at the same time to save a large amount of communication cable,and has the very good application value.
Key words:irrigation;control;power line carrier communication(PLCC)

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