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文章标题: 基于软件锁相环的蓄电池内阻测量系统设计
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 孟彦京 种马刚 王素娥
作者单位: 陕西科技大学 电气与信息工程学院,西安 710021
关键词: 蓄电池内阻;交流注入法;软件锁相环;基于模型设计;DSP
中文摘要:     针对目前蓄电池内阻测量中存在的不足,在交流注入法的基础上,利用软件锁相环和基于模型设计的方法,开发了一套蓄电池内阻测量系统。该系统包括DSP控制核心、交流恒流源、差分放大器等模块,并利用软件锁相环算法取代锁相放大器和有效值提取电路,简化了系统的硬件设计。介绍了该系统的测量原理及软硬件的实现过程。实验结果表明,该系统的测量结果稳定可靠,具有良好的应用价值。

Design of Battery Internal Resistance Measurement System Based on Software PLL

MENG Yan-jing,CHONG Ma-gang,WANG Su-e
(College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science & Technology,Xi’an 710021,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the existing problems in the measurement of battery internal resistance,on the basis of AC injection method,using software PLL and model?鄄based methods designed a set of battery internal resistance measurement system.The system included a control core with DSP,AC constant current source,differential amplifier,etc,and used the software PLL to replace lock?鄄in amplifier and RMS detection circuit,simplifing system design.The measuring principles and implementation of hardware and software is described.The experimental results show that the measurement results of the system are stable and reliable so that it possesses good application value.
Key words:battery internal resistance;AC injection method;software phase locked loop(PLL);model?鄄based design;DSP

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