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文章标题: 加速度传感器批量标定测试系统的设计
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 焦佳伟 石云波 邹 坤 智 丹
作者单位: 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室,太原 030051
关键词: 加速度传感器;DSP;控制系统;标定测试
中文摘要:     针对现有的加速度传感器静动态标定测试设备只能单件手动标定测试,而且效率低、成本比较高,该文设计了一套利用DSP实现加速度传感器批量标定测试系统。该系统能够实现加速度传感器在不同温度、湿度环境下的静动态性能批量标定测试,可以一次得到加速度传感器的性能指标的定量测试。试验结果表明,该系统方案可行,能够满足加速度传感器自动化批量标定测试方面的要求,提高了标定测试效率,降低了测试成本。

Design of Calibration Test System on Batch Accelerometer Sensor

JIAO Jia-鄄wei1,2,SHI Yun-bo1,ZOU Kun1,2,ZHI Dan1
(1.National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China;2.Suzhou Fashion Nano Technology Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215123,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the case of accelerometer static and dynamic calibration test equipment only tested by a single manual calibration,and low efficiency,the cost is relatively high,a system which use DSP to implement the acceleration sensor calibration testing especially suitable for automating batch calibration of accelerometer sensor was designed. The achieve of calibration test when the acceleration sensor under different temperature and humidity environment in dynamic and static performance of the calibration test and get the quantitative test of the acceleration sensor’s performance indicators for the once time can be obtained with the new system. The test results show that the system can achieve the automating batch calibration test of acceleration sensor,improve the calibration efficiency,reduce the cost of test.
Key words:accelerometer sensor;DSP;control system;calibration test

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