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文章标题: 基于模型设计的单相光伏并网逆变器研究
发表期次: 2015 年 11 期
作者名: 孟彦京 周 鹏 王素娥
作者单位: 陕西科技大学 电气与信息工程学院,西安 710021
关键词: 模型设计;并网逆变器;软件在环测试;无差拍控制器
中文摘要:     针对电力电子装置传统开发模式中研发周期长,代码测试及验证费时费力等缺点。利用基于模型的设计方法,成功研制了一台1.5 kW无差拍控制的单级式单相光伏并网逆变器,从单相光伏并网逆变器的基本原理直至整个系统的实现,详细叙述了基于模型设计的过程及方法,展现了该方法的优越性。结果显示,采用该方法可以显著增强代码的可靠性、可移植性、易读性及易测试和验证性,省去了人工编写控制器代码及测试验证代码环节,极大地缩短了开发周期。

Research on Single Phase Photovoltaic Grid Connected Inverter Based on Model Design

MENG Yan-jing,ZHOU Peng,WANG Su-e
(College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science & Technology,Xi’an 710021,China)
Abstract:In view of the shortcomings of traditional development model in power electronic equipment,such as research and development cycle long,time-consuming for code test. By using the model based design method,developed a 1.5 kW single phase photovoltaic grid connected inverter with deadbeat controller,from the principle of single phase photovoltaic grid connected inverter to achieve the entire system,described the process and model based design method in detail,to show the superiority of the model based design. The results show that the method can significantly enhance the reliability,portability,testability and readability of code,leaving out manual programming controller code,test and verification for code,greatly shorten the development cycle.
Key words:model design;grid connected inverter;software in the loop(SIL);deadbeat controller

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