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文章标题: 石油平台中控系统操作记录的实现
发表期次: 2015 年 10 期
作者名: 武 岳 王 伟 李志刚 张 昊 李墨林
作者单位: 海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津 300452
关键词: 中控系统;开放数据库互连;报表;SQL
中文摘要:     阐述了以罗克韦尔公司的PlantPAx分布式体系结构为平台,以Factorytalk View SE为上位机组态软件,借助ODBC数据源和SQL 2008数据库生成海洋石油中控系统的操作记录表格,使用微软公司的Excel软件进行查看,表格中的操作时间和操作设备清晰明朗,还可查看多天前的历史操作记录,使得人为事故有据可查,也为节约能耗提供重要参数依据,为海洋石油平台的安全生产保驾护航。实际运行表明,此方法合理高效地实现了对石油平台中控系统的操作进行记录的功能。

Operation Records of Oil Platform Control System

WU Yue,WANG Wei,LI Zhi-gang,ZHANG Hao,LI Mo-lin
(Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300452,China)
Abstract:This paper described the PlantPAx distribution mechanism platform of Rockwell company and the upper-computer software of Factorytalk View SE.In the assistant of ODBC data source and SQL 2008 data base,it formed the records excel sheet of marine oil central control system which can use the Microsoft Corp Excel software to view.The clear operation time and equipment by excel software make it possible for checking the history operation records days ago,tracing back the human error accident,as well as providing the important reference data for saving energy and security for marine oil operation.According to the actual running,it has a high efficiency in recording the operation of oil central control system.
Key words:CCS;open database connectivity(ODBC);report form;SQL

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