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文章标题: 基于DSP和RS?鄄485串行通信的控制系统设计
发表期次: 2015 年 10 期
作者名: 焦佳伟 石云波 邹 坤
作者单位: 苏州中盛纳米科技有限公司,苏州 215123
关键词: DSP;控制系统;RS?鄄485;串行通信
中文摘要:     在设计加速度传感器批量标定测试设备时,需要上位机对设备进行实时监测、获取系统信息以及下发数据指令进行控制,因此设计了基于DSP和RS?鄄485串行通信的接口电路,实现了DSP与PC的通信,并成功应用于加速度传感器批量标定测试设备中。该系统硬件电路简单,软件编写容易,拓展性和移植性较好,数据通信稳定可靠。

Design of Control System Based on RS-485 and DSP Serial Communication

JIAO Jia-wei1,2,SHI Yun-bo1,ZOU Kun1,2
(1.Suzhou Fashion Nano Technology Company,Suzhou 215123,China;2.National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China)
Abstract:In the design of the equipment of acceleration sensor volume calibration test,it need PC has a real-time monitoring of equipment,acquisition system instructions and distributed data to control the information. So the design based on RS?鄄485 of the DSP serial communication interface circuit achieved DSP and PC communications,and successfully applied in the equipment of acceleration sensor volume calibration test. The system has the advantages of simple hardware circuit,easily written software,better expansibility and portability,stable and reliable data communication.
Key words:DSP;control system;RS?鄄485;serial communication

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