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文章标题: 平衡均速流量计及在能源管理系统中的应用
发表期次: 2015 年 12 期
作者名: 杜学强 钱俊磊 刘颖录 林 伟
作者单位: 唐山阿诺达自动化有限公司,唐山 063020
关键词: 平衡均速流量计;节流装置;能源管理系统
中文摘要:     智能平衡均速流量计包括节流装置和智能变送主机。其基于流体能量守恒定律,采用平衡整流的一体化多孔节流技术,是新型差压式流量测量仪表。在能源管理系统中的应用实践表明,其具有压力损失小、测量精度高、量程比宽、安装条件要求低、耐脏污不易堵等特点。

Balanced Flowmeter and Its Application in Energy Management System

DU Xue-qiang1,QIAN Jun-lei2,LIU Ying-lu1,LIN Wei3
(1.Tangshan ANODE Automation Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan 063020,China;2.College of Electrical Engineering,North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063009,China;3.Tangshan Donghai Iron & Steel(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan 063700,China)
Abstract:The intelligent balanced flowmeter consists of a throttle orifice plate and an intelligent transmitting apparatus. As a new differential pressure type flowmeter,it’s based on law of conservation of energy,and used multi?鄄holes orifice with integrated structure to makes fluid throttled and balanced. The applied practice in energy management system indicated that it has the advantages of low pressure loss,high accuracy,wide rangeability,low installation requirement and little possibility of blockage.
Key words:balanced flowmeter;orifice;energy management system(EMS)

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