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文章标题: 水流量标准装置的设计与研究
发表期次: 2015 年 10 期
作者名: 谢文强 燕南飞 薛 琴
作者单位: 中国煤炭科工集团西安研究院有限公司,西安 710077
关键词: 流量标准装置;静态质量法;标准表法;虚拟仪器;不确定度
中文摘要:     煤矿安全生产中广泛应用流量计,其研发、制造和使用都需要对流量计的性能指标进行现场测试。为此,文章应用虚拟仪器技术研究开发了一套水流量标准装置,详细讨论了水流量标准装置的硬件构成和软件设计方案,并给出了水流量标准装置的测量不确定度评定。经过对百余台各种类型的流量计进行检测检验,运行结果表明,水流量标准装置检测系统运行稳定可靠,测试效率高,具有一定的实用价值和推广意义。

Design and Research of the Flowmeters Standard Device

XIE Wen-qiang,YAN Nan-fei,XUE Qin
(Xi’an Research Institute of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp,Xi’an 710077,China)
Abstract:Flowmeters are widely used in coal mine safety production,its performance field testing in the development,manufacture and use. This purpose,the paper application of virtual instrument technology research and development of a set of water flow standard device,a detailed discussion of the hardware configuration and software design flow standard device,and gives the measurement uncertainty of water flow standard device. After hundred sets of various types of flowmeter for inspection and testing,operation results show that the water flow standard device detection system is stable and reliable,high test efficiency,certain practical value and popularization significance.
Key words:standard facilities for flowrate;static mass method;master meter method;virtual instrument;uncertainty

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