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文章标题: 基于无感检测技术的多模式流量控制器的研制
发表期次: 2015 年 10 期
作者名: 侍寿永 朱 静 于建明
作者单位: 江苏省电子产品装备制造工程技术研究开发中心,淮安 223003
关键词: 流量控制器;无感检测;单片机
中文摘要:     化工流体的强腐蚀性使得流量传感器精度下降或损坏,企业必须定期更换。该文利用无流量传感器检测技术,研制出一种基于单片机的多模式流量控制器。在分析无感计量原理基础上,提出3种检测流体的方法,通过硬、软件的设计实现对流体的计量检测和控制功能,并且流体计量精度均控制在1%以下。实践证明,该流量控制器性价比高、操作维护方便、运行稳定可靠,市场应用前景广阔。

Development of the Multi-mode Flow Controller Based on Non-inductive Detection Technology

SHI Shou-yong1,2,ZHU Jing2,YU Jian-ming2
(1.The Engineering Technology Research and Development Center of Electronic Products Equipment Manufacturing of Jiangsu Province,Huai’an 223003,China;2.Department of Electrical Engineering,Huai’an College of Information and Technology,Huai’an 223003,China)
Abstract:The corrosion of the chemical fluid makes the flow sensor precision drop or damaged,so the enterprise must change it regularly. This paper developed a multi-mode flow controller based on SCM making use of non-flow sensor detection technology. It put forward three methods of detecting fluid based on analyzing the non-inductive measuring principle,and realized the detection and control of the fluid measurement through the design of hardware and software,and the measuring precisions of the fluid were all controlled under 1%. Practice has proved that the flow controller is cost-effective with easy operation and maintenance as well as stable and reliable operation,and thus has broad application prospect in the market.

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