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文章标题: 流量测量中超声波信号的稳定性设计
发表期次: 2015 年 09 期
作者名: 曹晓华 孙 洁
作者单位: 华北理工大学 电气工程学院,唐山 063009
关键词: 超声波;流量测量;自动增益控制
中文摘要:     传统的流量测量中,由于超声波换能器的材质和气体介质两者的特性阻抗相差甚远,造成换能器发射和接收效率太低。该项目设计的超声流量计能够适合不同管道直径的测量,而且在管道内气体流速发生改变时,超声换能器所接收到的信号经放大、检波等处理后应保证信号的幅度不变。该系统对接收信号进行自动增益控制,并经过非线性校正后,测量精度极高,并具有良好的稳定性。

Stability Design of the Ultrasonic Signal in Flow Measurement

CAO Xiao-hua,SUN Jie
(College of Electrical Engineering,North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063009,China)
Abstract:The traditional flow measurement,due to the material of ultrasonic transducer and the gas medium were a far cry from what the characteristic impedance of the two,causing the transducer transmitting and receiving efficiency was too low. Because this project requires the design of the ultrasonic flowmeter,then it can suitable for different pipe diameter measurement,and the gas flow velocity in the pipe was changed,ultrasonic transducer receives signal after amplification and detection,treatment should be to ensure that the signal amplitude unchanged. The system of automatic gain control signa was received,And after the nonlinear correction,it can provened high precision and good stability.
Key words:ultrasonic;flowmeter;automatic gain control

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